Giuseppe Vaccaro: childschool in Piacenza 1953/1962 - italian/english text
The story of this small childschool by Giuseppe Vaccaro begins in 1953 and goes on until the opening in 1962. During this long period there are many versions and modifications joined by some common elements such as metrical dimensions and rithms of the front elevation. Through the narrow metodological path tipical of this series the author sketches the method and the phases of a precious building recently refurbished.
New revised edition - 12 Euro
author: enrico ansaloni
size: 21 x 15 cm
stitched paperback binding
pages n.: 72 (62 b/w, 10 col.)
44 images
weight: 175 g,
ISBN: 9788894148350
Giuseppe Vaccaro, asilo a Piacenza